According to the Public Relations of Park Technology Park, the fourth Technology Investment Meeting (Tim2022) with the presence of representatives from the member states of D8 companies and active startups in the field of technology 2 and 3 in the Pardis Technology Park.
At the meeting, 11 contracts were signed with more than $ 10 million between these investors and capitalists.
Abdul Ghadir Imam Secretary-General of the D8 Cooperation Organization at the meeting said:” I feel delighted to welcome all of you to the 4th Technology Investment Meeting (TIM2022) organized by the Pardis Technology Park and the D8 Technology Transfer and Exchange Network also known as D8TTEN. On behalf of its secretariat, I warmly welcome all delegates and investors from D8 and non-D8 countries to this important event. Let me also say thank you to Pardis Technology Park and D8-TTEN as well as the government of Islamic republic of Iran for their management and hosting of TIM2022”.
He also added that the D8 High Council Meeting, D8 Technology and Transfer Award, D8 Business Technology Meeting that promotes technology between the D8 members and promotes multilateral cooperation in the field of investment and investment and creates innovation are all D8tten initiatives. The D8TTEN secretariat must make more effort to make the website of the organization for members of the D8 and those who like to make more attractive, more informative and user-friendly. We should also examine the ability to create technology among the D8 member states for product services and industrial needs and promote the concept of local value chain in D8 countries.
“We cannot achieve sustainable economic growth in D8 development without updating technologies. We want to share our achievements in the D8 organization and convert technology exchanges as a kicky point in this organization”.
The Secretary-General of the D8 Cooperation Organization said: “Technology position in today's world is very special, and most countries in the world have understood today's technology and are ready for the fourth industrial revolution”.
He announced the acceleration of technology innovations in developing countries and emphasized that technology and networking transfer should be on the agenda of the meeting.
He continued: “I am glad that D8 members are quickly followed by the network and network help”.
The annual TIM event, now in its fourth period, is an important platform for commercializing ideas and innovations of D8 member states.
He continued, especially when such measures are carried out in areas that are common among member states. Agriculture, transportation, industry and energy are among these areas.
Abdul Ghadir Imam believes that the TIM summit paves the way for participants from D8 countries to introduce their innovation directly to investors in members of D8 as well as other countries.
He appreciated the organizers of the TIM meeting and said: ‘I hope this event will lead to the development of digital innovation and technology transfer network among member states and I hope that TIM 2022 will create joint venture transactions and witness the signature of various contracts and more among members and participants in the event. I wish you all best outcomes and I look forward to visit the Pardis Technology Park and D8TTEN secretariat.