Surgery, Anesthesia, Safety : Importance of Anesthesia Machine in Medicine
WTG Morton first public demonstration ether as an anesthetic agent was in 1846, for many years anesthesiologists there was no need for a machine to deliver anesthesia to the patients. After the introduction of oxygen and nitrous oxide in the form of compressed gases in cylinders, there was a necessity for mounting these cylinders on a metal frame. Today, anesthesia precise delivery system is very important due to complexity of anesthesia drugs.
The basic function of an anesthesia machine is preparing gas mixture. The gas mixture can then be delivered to a breathing system. Anesthesia machine itself has evolved from a simple pneumatic device to a complex array of mechanical, electrical and computer – controlled components. Much of the driving force for these changes have been to improve patient safety and user convenience.
Due to important role of this machine in various kind of surgery and need for reliable source, Premier Electro-medical Care (PEC-Co) in Iran have developed Oxyn-2 anesthesia machine.
PEC was found in 2001 with goal of making reliable and hi-tech products specially in manufacturing a full range of medical equipments. Focus of the company is on making medical equipment for operation rooms. Also they are producing other products like monitor and syringe pump which could be used in other wards of a hospital or clinic.
Oxyn-2 Anesthesia Machine
The most important factor for using OXYN2 anesthesia machines is reliable, safe and precise continuous flow anesthesia in an induction or operating room. The units are capable to provide controlled concentrations and flows of anesthesia gases in conjunction with vaporizers, ventilators, absorbers, breathing systems and patient connection fittings, which comply with the relevant ISO standard or equivalent.
This machines are highly flexible and can be used in various situation in surgery room, depending upon the patient circuit selected, open, semi-open, semi-closed or closed circuit configurations are selectable by users. The device is designed to be used by suitably qualified practitioners. To increase safety and reliability, a mechanical AHD system is designed to minimize the risk of a hypoxic mixture reaching the patient. Patient monitors are recommended for use in conjunction with the application.
Oxyn-2 Anesthesia Machine
Pardis Technology Park Facilities
There is no doubt in a knowledge based economy technology facilitators play an important role. Developing new products and services in all stages of TRL (Technology Readiness Level) depends on scientific and technological infrastructures. One of the most important facilitators are science and technology parks. Pardis Tech Park, under the supervision of vice-presidency of science and technology of Iran, is the main hub and provider of knowledge based related facilitators. The park have supported more than 250 companies and also support for marketing and sale. For instance, the Techmart network provide a platform between supplier and provider in one side and request for technological solution in another side and make a bridge between supply and demand.
The D8 Technology Exchange Network secretariat, in Pardis Technology Park, are welcomed cooperation and collaboration to increase synergy and extend innovation and technology solution for solving problems among D8 countries.
Premier Electro-medical Care also enjoys the facilities of attending in Pardis Tech Park as the best R&D center and Technology Park in the MENA.
for more information about Pardis Technology Park and Premier Electro-medical please see references website.